Mar 27, 2024
Mazda Vehicle Service

The Thelen Mazda Service Center is Here to Get Your Vehicle Spring Ready

Transitioning from the cold weather that Michigan winters bring to the warmer days that await us in spring can be made much easier on your Mazda with proper maintenance. Thelen Mazda in Bay City, MI, is here with our excellent Service Center staff to help get your favorite family cruiser ready for the upcoming driving conditions we will be experiencing in the mid-Michigan region. If you are curious about any of the services that we recommend you consider for your Mazda as spring goes forward, we encourage you to ask your questions to the staff member who is taking care of your appointment so you remain thoroughly informed about what is being done to your vehicle while it is with us. 

Recommended Services to Prepare for Spring in Michigan

Fluid Changes & Battery Replacement – 

Your vehicle will function much more efficiently and with robust overall performance when it has fresh fluids and a properly functioning battery equipped. When you choose the Thelen Mazda Service Center as your mid-Michigan destination for maintenance, you can count on us using brand-recommended fluids and having batteries that are suited for use in your Mazda. As such, you’ll appreciate the longevity, efficiency, and performance that are associated with these appropriate elements being used in your vehicle. 

Tire-Related Services –

Having your tires checked after winter is another recommended selection of services to have done on your Mazda. Checking tire health and tread depth for grip levels is a good first step to determining the best course of action going forward. If your tires still have good tread on them, just having them rotated and balanced is a great way to stay on top of their overall health. If you have been riding on winter tires this past season, or your current set of all-season tires appears to be running short of tread depth, we will find you a quality set of tires for the new season!

Air Filter Replacement –

Between your engine and cabin air filters, there is plenty of air that flows through your vehicle to keep performance strong and you feeling great while cruising around Central Michigan. If you haven’t had these filters checked and/or replaced recently, we highly recommend having them replaced. This will help them combat all the increased airborne debris and irritants that will be floating around outside in the warmer weather.